Our Services


Adelaide Build Advisory offers independent building advice and support for clients undertaking custom home builds, renovations, and extensions in Adelaide.

The Build Process sees clients work directly with Adelaide Property Specialist and Adelaide Build Advisory Director, Anthony Buckingham from build inception to completion with two services:


Research, Planning And Development Approval

This service streamlines the time-consuming research, development, and comparison stages of building a custom home, renovation or extension and provides clients with the information they need to make informed decisions about their project.

The process delivers time and financial efficiencies for clients by:


Construction Liaison And Support

If clients engage a builder from the tender process, Anthony will remain a key point of contact throughout the build. In addition to providing ongoing advice and support, he will drive the completion of key milestones and be an intermediatory if any challenges arise on-site.

Complimentary Project Assessment

If you are looking to build a custom home, subdivide and rebuild multiple dwellings or enhance an existing property with a renovation, extension, or addition – contact Anthony Buckingham for a complimentary, obligation free discussion.